Complete TOEIC + Audio CD

272 บาท
Complete TOEIC + Audio CD
Complete TOEIC + Audio CD
รหัสสินค้า / Barcode: 9786162077432
ปกติ: 320 บาท
ขาย:272 บาท

ISBN : 9786162077432
โดย : Edward William Guertin
สำนักพิมพ์ : Interact Education
อื่น :  223 หน้า  


Complete TOEIC is a comprehensive learning resource for all students undertaking the TOEIC test. The book covers all aspects of the test including: -Part 1 : Photographs -Part 2 :Question-Response -Part 3: Conversations -Part4: Short talk  -Part5: Incomplete Sentences -Part 6: Error Recognition or Text Completion -Part 7 : Reading Comprehension. Each section in Complete TOEIC concludes with a practise test with answers provided at the back of the book and all available on the attached CD-ROM. The complete TOEIC Tester (available separately) allows students to take TEIC practise tests and received immediate feedback to assess their progress and receive an estimated TOEIC test score.

