Map of Cisco IOS Software Releases: The Complete Reference

1,148 บาท
Map of Cisco IOS Software Releases: The Complete Reference
รหัสสินค้า / Barcode: 9781578701797
ปกติ: 1,350 บาท

ISBN : 9781578701797


รหัสสินค้า : 9781578701797
จำนวน : 308 หน้า / 308 pages
ขนาดรูปเล่ม : 193 x 240 x 25 มม.
น้ำหนัก : 790 กรัม / 790 grams
เนื้อในพิมพ์ : ขาวดำ 
ชนิดปก : ปกแข็ง 
ชนิดกระดาษ : กระดาษปอนด์ 
สำนักพิมพ์ : Cisco Press 
Cisco IOS software is the internetworking brain for Cisco switches and routers. Releases are consistantly evolving, being modified and enhanced, and this creates multiple versions that are viable. Different releases contain different features to accomodate the level of complexity of the various networks. A Engineers chooses the correct version by number and types of routers or switches in his network, the nature of business that is performed over the network, and the applications the network is supporting. They have difficulty in choosing the correct IOS version because there are so many and the naming conventions are complex. This book is the ultimate guide to determine how to optimize migration to new IOS releases. This book provides background on the evolution of IOS and explains the logical structure of its naming conventions. Detailed table indicate the features, uses migration paths, strengths, for each release so that you can choose the perfect release for your network.
สารบัญ (Table of contents)
Part 1: What Every Network Administrator should know
Part 2: Specification of Cisco IOS Releases
Part 3: The HardWare-SoftWare Relatiionship
Part 4: Appendixes
- Index
ขาย:1,148 บาท