Best of Beijing: The Ultimate Pocket Guide and Map

506 บาท
Best of Beijing: The Ultimate Pocket Guide and Map
รหัสสินค้า / Barcode: 9781740593861
ปกติ: 595 บาท

ISBN : 9781740593861

By : Korina Miller

รหัสสินค้า : 9781740593861
จำนวน : 126 หน้า / 126 pages
ขนาดรูปเล่ม : 108 x 197 x 8 มม.
น้ำหนัก : 180 กรัม / 180 grams
เนื้อในพิมพ์ : ขาว-ดำ (สีเดียว) / สี 
ชนิดปก : ปกอ่อน 
สำนักพิมพ์ : Lonely Planet Publications 
เดือนปีที่พิมพ์ :  2547
Cleanse your soul in the Palace of Heavenly Purity, practice t'ai chi in Fragrant Hills Park, lose yourself in amazement on top of the Great Wall. More welcoming than ever, China's centuries-old seat of power bursts with extraordinary experiences. Best of Beijing puts the whole city in your pocket.

- MAKE PLANNING A BREEZE with our accessible fold-out map section and detailed itinerary suggestions

- EXPERIENCE THE FORBIDDEN using discerning coverage of the city's famous sights and undiscovered treasures

- DINE IN IMPERIAL STYLE - from the crispiest Peking duck to the most fiery baijiu, the cream of Beijing's sophisticated eating and drinking scene

- JOIN IN THE ACTION with the rundown on the finest kung fu exhibitions, acrobatic performances and much more

- REPOSE IN TRANQUILLITY - unwind your qi in China's most chic hotels and guesthouses

สารบัญ (Table of contents)
- Introducing Beijing
- Highlights
- Sights & Activities
- Out & About
- Shopping
- Eating
- Entertainment
- Sleeping
- About Beijing
- Directory
- Index
- Sights - Quick Index
ขาย:506 บาท